Tag Archives: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal Claims Titanfall 2 Is Coming to PS4

Wall Street Journal, an obviously credible source, claims to have some insider information on Titanfall 2. Here’s the snippet:

         Microsoft has benefited from the Xbox-exclusive shooting game     “Titanfall” from Electronic Arts Inc., which was the best-selling title of March and April in the U.S. But its follow-up game, which is in the planning stages, also will be available for the PS4, a person close to the development effort said.

BppKO2sCcAA2OBpSeveral other sources, along with Wall Street, reached out to EA for official comment, but EA refused to say anything. So while this news is far from confirmed, I’m betting Wall Street’s inside sources are some of the more credible ones out there. Take everything with a fair grain of salt however, as it is only a matter of time before E3 2014 gives us all the answers! Head to our E3 2014 page to get live twitter updates of each conference, and LIVE show floor coverage in the coming days at the E3 Expo!

– Caleb Stiles